8 continuous
We proudly serve you with authentic, “made with love” customer service, quality, and indisputable passion in our work for you. With 8 consecutive Tripadvisor® Certificates of Excellence, and Traveller’s Choice, we can proudly say that we are the “only” Wellness Center in Denmark that carries 8 consecutive certificates of excellence provided by well acclaimed Triadvisor®. And we keep on serving the world….
With an average of 800 clients per year, and proudly restricting booking limitation in order to preserve our “no-hassle” bodywork, we have now served over 10.000 customers within the past 12 years. Even though we try our honest and true best to make every customer as personal and welcome to our family of clients, we can assure you that there will always be other businesses within the wellness and spa industry that will try to diminish and disrespect our work and way of life. We do personally reply to every single Tripadvisor review from the bottom of our hearts, and not our minds, simply because we are made with love.
We thank you for your trust, love, honesty, comprehension, understanding, embracing, bonding, and sharing your souls. The feeling is mutual, and we thank every one of you for making Zenzes Wellness your home away from home.
Certificate of Excellence 2016
Certificate of Excellence 2017
Certificate of Excellence 2018
Certificate of Excellence 2019
Certificate of Excellence 2020
Our First Traveller’s Choice in 2021